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Unity Point School District 140
1st Grade
Mrs. Spillman - Reading
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Mrs. Spillman - Reading
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Mrs. Spillman - Reading
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Sight Words & Phrases
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: Sight Words & Phrases
Sight Words & Phrases
Dolch Word List
The Dolch List contains words that must be quickly recognized in order to have reading fluency. If the child is spending too much time decoding, or figuring out words, then comprehension cannot occur. The Dolch Words are the most frequently used words in the English language, making up 50 to 70 percent of any text! Many of the Dolch words cannot be “sounded out” and must be learned by “sight,” or memorized. PLEASE buy a blank set of index cards and drill sections of the word lists each evening. Repetition and practice are very important to make these words automatic. Again, once these basic sight words have been mastered, children will read more fluently, and this will have a positive impact on comprehension.
Created at 8/18/2016 4:48 PM by Mrs. Spillman
Last modified at 8/18/2016 4:48 PM by Mrs. Spillman