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Julie W. VanWinkle

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General Discussion

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Use the General Discussion to hold newsgroup-style discussions on topics relevant to your team.
Started: 10/4/2010 2:55 PM
Picture Placeholder: Julie Van Winkle
Julie Van Winkle
Why should I read aloud to my children?

Why Is Reading With Your Child Important?Bear on Stack of Books

    Reading aloud...

      • stimulates your child's imagination
      • develops your child's interest in reading and in books
      • improves your child's listening skills
      • builds vocabulary
      • helps your child to understand stories and 'book language'
      • creates a bond between you and your child
      • provides your child with a positive role model
Started: 5/24/2011 1:27 PM
Picture Placeholder: Julie Van Winkle
Julie Van Winkle
What book I am excited about now...
Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
A beginner's dictionary written for children grades K–2, ages 5–7
  • Hundreds of illustrations by celebrated children's author Ruth Heller
  • Introduces young readers to almost 3,000 words, using nearly 1,000 entries
  • Covers basic dictionary skills: alphabetization, spelling, pronunciation, use of synonyms and antonyms, and using words in context
  • Nearly 1,000 entries include definitions, example sentences, and word histories
  • Packed with jokes, poems, and fun facts to foster and develop a child's language skills