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5th Grade
Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
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Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 1 and 2
Who is telling this story? What do we know about the setting and characters form these chapters?
Posted at 7:27 AM by Samantha Hunt |
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Comments (23)
A boy name Samuel Collier is telling the story. (He is 11.) This is happening in London, England. The other characters are Reverend Hunt and Pawn shop owner.
UPOINT\4685 at
12/1/2009 2:44 PM
a boy name Samuel Collier age 11 .londan Englaud in 1606.Reverend Hunt Pawn shop owner
UPOINT\4523 at
12/1/2009 2:49 PM
The narrator is Samuel Collier, an orphan so he got no parents.The setting is in the city of London, England.The characters are Reverend Hunt, Captain John Smith, Pawn shop owner, Samuel,and Richard.
UPOINT\4024 at
12/2/2009 2:49 PM
Lydia Baker
Samuel Collier is 11 years old, he has a hot temper, and he is the person telling the story.
The setting in the story is in London, England in 1606 and in "The New World." The characters in the story seem poor, risk taking, and determined.
UPOINT\3539 at
12/2/2009 2:50 PM
Samuel Collier is the boy who is telling the story. There is also Reverand Hunt, a person who is an explorer. Also, James Smith who is partner w/ Reverand Hunt. The setting is London in 1606.Soon it will be in the new world. Some of the characters are poor, and some are rich. Samual Collier lives on the streets until Reverand Hunt takes him to the orphanage.
UPOINT\3434 at
12/2/2009 2:50 PM
The kids name is Sameul andthe setting is London.
The other characters are Reverend Hunt and the pawn shop guy and his son.
4727 at
12/2/2009 2:50 PM
the story is about a boy living in london, england that is about to go to the new world
UPOINT\3918 at
12/2/2009 2:50 PM
Reese 5-Ho #8
The person telling the story is named Samuel Collier.A Boy who lives on the streets. Reverened Hunt is a gentlemen. Captain John Smith is a fighter.
UPOINT\3545 at
12/2/2009 2:51 PM
The narrator is Samuel Coiner.
The setting is the New World & England.
The characters are Samuel, pawnkeeper, & Richard.
UPOINT\4480 at
12/2/2009 2:52 PM
The narrator is an eleven year old boy named Samuel Collier who is an orphan. The setting so far is at the docks of London.The other characters are Richard, Master Wingfield, Captain Smith, Reverend Hunt, and captain Newport.
UPOINT\3207 at
12/2/2009 2:52 PM
The boys mom has died.The boy is telling story. His name is Samuel Coiner the boy is a orphan living on the streets of London,England in a pawn shop, stealing the locket that the pour house sold to pay for food, October 1606
UPOINT\3565 at
12/2/2009 2:52 PM
A young boy name Samuel Collier is telling the story.
The setting is in London,England in October 1606 and is in a pawn shop trying to steal a silver locket that was his mothers and the poor house sold to pay for food . The boy is a orphan that lives on the streets.
UPOINT\2962 at
12/2/2009 2:53 PM
Samuel Collier,11, is telling the story. The setting of the story is London, England at the docks in October and December 1606. There is a boy named Richard, Reverend Hunt, and Captain John Smith. Samuel is a thief and he was living on the streets before he was taken to be Captain Smiths apprentice.
UPOINT\3579 at
12/2/2009 2:53 PM
The narrator is Samuel Collier who is 11 years old. His mom and dad died.Someone named Reverend Hunt is taking care of him with other orphans,and he works for John Smith.The setting is in London, England in 1606.
UPOINT\1368 at
12/2/2009 2:54 PM
The person telling the story is Samuel Coiner.
The setting is London, England.
The characters are boys
UPOINT\3546 at
12/2/2009 2:54 PM
The person is Samuel Coiner
The setting is London,England
UPOINT\4049 at
12/2/2009 2:54 PM
zion powell
The boy name is Samuel Coiner 11 years old. The setting is at London,England.The side characters are mom,dad,Samuel,shopkeeper,shopkeep son,Richard
UPOINT\4735 at
12/2/2009 2:55 PM
Elsbeth 5-Holloway
An eleven year old boy who's an orphan named Samuel Collier is telling this story.
The character is violent an only knows how to solve things with his fists. London sounds like a bad place that has slaves thinks that woman and children are useless and is filled with mean people that beat children.
UPOINT\3597 at
12/2/2009 2:55 PM
Auni 1#5Ho
Samuel Collier is a boy.He is 11 years old. Samuel Collier is telling the story. The setting at City London,England. Reverend Hunt, Captain John Smith, Pawn shop owner, Samuel, and Richard are the character.
UPOINT\4732 at
12/3/2009 2:33 PM
His name is Samuel Collier.He lives in London and is a orphan.His age is 11 years old.
4608 at
12/7/2009 2:53 PM
Mariyum Hussain
Who is telling this story? What do we know about the setting and characters form these chapters?
Samuel Collier is telling this story. He is 11 years old. he is a orphan who lived in London, but then he went to jail, because he used his fist a lot so he probably went on the ship because of that.
4697 at
12/8/2009 8:54 AM
The name of the peron telling the story is called Samuel. The setting is in the street of England. And what I now about the character is that they are cruel.
UPOINT\3253 at
1/4/2010 8:18 AM
The narrorator's name is Samuel, the setting is in the New World and England, and the characters are Samuel, and pankeeper.
UPOINT\3429 at
1/4/2010 8:39 AM