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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
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Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
Chapters 5 and 6
Chapters 5 and 6
Please describe Samuel's relationships with the other boys on the journey. How do they interact with one another? What do you know about the boys that explains how they interact with one another? (Samuel, Richard, James, Henry and Abram)
Posted at 5:03 PM by Samantha Hunt |
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Comments (23)
Henry and Abram are big and greedy. Samuel, Richard, and James have to be in lunch line first because if Henry and Abram eat first, they will eat almost all of the foods. Henry likes to hit one of the boys. Sometimes Samuel thinks the other boys are idiots because they believe all of thing what they told.
UPOINT\4685 at
12/4/2009 8:55 AM
Auni 1 #5Ho
Henry and Abram are big and greedy.Henry like to hit the boys
sometimes Samuel thinks the boys are idiots becuase the other boys believe whatever they are told.
UPOINT\4732 at
12/4/2009 9:02 AM
I think there idiots because they're greedy & mean.
UPOINT\4480 at
12/7/2009 2:46 PM
zion powell
Henry and Abram are big and greedy and like to boss the small
boys around and hit them. They don not get along get allong very well . Samuel thinks that they are not smart and do every thing they are told
UPOINT\4735 at
12/7/2009 2:49 PM
Henry and Abram are big, greedy boys, who also likes to pick on the smaller kids. Samuel has a small relationship with Richard and James, but also sort of picks on them.
UPOINT\4024 at
12/7/2009 2:49 PM
The boys are nicer now. But at first the boys were mean, greedy,and Henry likes to hit one of the boys. Henry and Samuel thought that the boys are idiots, but they aren't.
UPOINT\1368 at
12/7/2009 2:50 PM
The boys fight alot and cant get along and there greedy.
UPOINT\3545 at
12/7/2009 2:50 PM
They do not get along with each other and and the oldest seem like he thinks he is the smartest and the best of them all. He also has no respect for others on the ship.
UPOINT\3565 at
12/7/2009 2:50 PM
There are a few boys on the ship. The two big boys are big and greedy. They are Henry and Abram. The rest are James and Henry. Samuel doesn't interact with the boys too well. He fights with them and beats them up all the time.
UPOINT\3918 at
12/7/2009 2:51 PM
Henry and Abram are big and greedy.Henry likes to hit other boys.Samuel does not like Henry and Abram.He likes all the other people.
UPOINT\3546 at
12/7/2009 2:51 PM
Lydia Baker
Richard, James, and Samuel see to be nice friends. Henry can sometimes be mean to the younger children, because he is bigger, older, and stronger. I believe that the boys have a good/normal friendship. (They are good friends but they can fight sometimes.)
UPOINT\3539 at
12/7/2009 2:51 PM
He does not like any of the boys, but he especially doesn't like the older boys. They both eat all the food and leave almost none for him and the others. He is always picking fights with Richard and James. He thinks they are both stupid. Now the boys won't trust him because he is always mean to them.
UPOINT\3579 at
12/7/2009 2:51 PM
Please describe Samuel's relationships with the other boys on the journey. How do they interact with one another? What do you know about the boys that explains how they interact with one another? (Samuel, Richard, James, Henry and Abram)
Samuel, and the other boys sometimes have challenges with each other, and they play around. Samuel usually does not believe them.
(and Samuel would always or sometimes use his fist
4697 at
12/7/2009 2:51 PM
Abram and Henry are big and greedy. Samuel,Richard,and James try to eat before Abram and Henry so they don't eat all the food. The boys also don't get along to well.
UPOINT\2962 at
12/7/2009 2:52 PM
The boys can and can't get along well. On the boat they all are being very greedy. Then when they land they get along a bit better than what they were before. Now they start to be friends though they still fight. Henry the biggest one, can be mean and greedy.
UPOINT\3434 at
12/7/2009 2:52 PM
they don't get along at all all the boys teese each other,and take each other for granted
UPOINT\3429 at
12/8/2009 8:49 AM
James and Richard were unkind and mean to Samuel Collier.They don't let him eat that much food.So Samuel is probably starving.Samuel doesn't trust James and Richard because they talk about bizzare things like they talked about that the Carrib Indians eat people.So I can say that they probably don't like each other.
4608 at
12/8/2009 8:51 AM
The boys in the story have a weird relationship in the story. They are always hitting each other and calling each other names. In the story, Samuel reaches for the biggest moldy piece of cheese and Henry slaps his hand and takes the cheese for himself.
UPOINT\3597 at
12/8/2009 2:53 PM
I don't think they interact good with each other, because Samuel hits them and calls them names.
UPOINT\3253 at
12/11/2009 2:48 PM
he does not like them that much
UPOINT\4049 at
12/14/2009 2:47 PM
Rea Yoh
They don't cooperate very well together, though Henry and Abram are friends. Henry usually picks on Samuel. Samuel picks on Richard and James sometimes. They beat each other up a lo.
UPOINT\3207 at
1/4/2010 8:19 AM
They aren't compatable. Henry and Abram are buddies. They should be nicer though.
4727 at
1/4/2010 8:22 AM
The boy fight alot and cant get along.
UPOINT\4523 at
1/4/2010 2:36 PM