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Mrs. Hunt's Blood on the River Blog > Posts > Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 1 and 2
Who is telling this story? What do we know about the setting and characters from these chapters?



The Characters in the story are ,the mom ,the shopkeeper,his son,richard, revern hunt, the native amrecan, the english king, captin smith, god ,gentel men, john, comminers, captin newport, edward.
nartor samuel colier
setting england
4605 at 12/2/2009 1:29 PM


The person telling the story is, Samuel Collier, an eleven year boy. The setting is in London, England, in October 1606, in a pawnshop. The characters are the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper's son, Samuel Collier, Reverend Hunt, Captain John Smith, and Richard. In this time of the story, they didn't really know each other very well. Samuel didn't want to get any help.
UPOINT\4055 at 12/2/2009 1:31 PM


 Samuel Collier is the narrator. So far the characters are Samuel Collier, Richard, Caption John Smith, Reverend Hunt, the shop keeper, and Caption Newport. The setting is the streets of England.
UPOINT\3515 at 12/2/2009 1:32 PM


Samuel Collar is telling the story which is the boy.The characters are:Samuel Collar,Richard,his dad,Wingfield,shopkeeper,Captain John Smith,Captain Ratcliff,his mom,Captain Newport,Captain Christopher Newport,Edward Mareo,and Revern Hunt.The book took place in London England and will take place in Jamestown.Samuel Collar has scraggly hair and as skinny as a broomstick.He stayed in a cell for two days.He says he doesn't need a friend,he hasn't needed one since his mother died.
UPOINT\4300 at 12/2/2009 1:32 PM


The setting is in London England, and the characters so far are Samuel Collier, John Smith, Reverent Hunt, Sir Edward Maria Wingfield, Captian Bartholomew Gosnold, the Shopkeeper and his son, Captian Ratcliffe,Captian Christopher Newport and Richard.
UPOINT\4702 at 12/2/2009 1:33 PM


The setting is in London, England and Samuel Collier, the narrator, is sent on a ship to explore the New World.The characters so far is the Narrator, Samuel Collier, Reverend Hunt, Richard,Sir Edward Maria Wingfield,the shopkeeper,Captain Ratcliffe,Captain Christopher Newport,and Captain Bartholomew so far.
UPOINT\3427 at 12/2/2009 1:33 PM


Samuel Collier tells the story of Blood on the River. The characters for now are Samuel, the Shopkeeper, Shopkeeper's son, John Smith, Captain Newport, Reverend hunt, and Richard. The setting for now is London, England.
Mary Goodale at 12/2/2009 1:33 PM


Samuel Collier is telling the story.
Shop keeper, Shop keepers son, Captain John Smith, Richard, Reverend Hunt, Samuel, Captain Newport the setting is in London, England
UPOINT\3418 at 12/2/2009 1:33 PM


The person telling the story is Samuel Collier . The setting of the story is London, England,October 1606 . Some of the characters are a shopkeeper that the boy is getting his locket back, the shopkeepers son,and Captain Jon Smith.
UPOINT\4321 at 12/2/2009 1:34 PM


the narrator is Samuel Colliez, the characters are him, Captain Smith,Ratcliffe, Newport, Wingfield ,Gosnol, Reverent Hunt , and Richard the setting is England.
UPOINT\3611 at 12/2/2009 1:35 PM


The narrator is Samuel Collier. The setting is in a poor place in London,England. The characters are: Samuel Collier, His Mother, his Father, the Shopkeeper, the Shopkeeper's son, Reverend Hunt, Sir Walter Raleigh, Collin, Richard, King James, Captain Ratcliffe, Captain Smith, Captain Newport, and the Officers. I can tell the setting and characters are taken in a mean way or religous like the King.
4695 at 12/2/2009 1:35 PM


The characters are his mom and dad, the shopkeeper, the landlord, the shopkeeper's son, Samuel Collier, Reverend Hunt, Magistrate, Richard, Captain John Smith, sailors, Captain Newport, Edward Maria Wingfield, Captain Bartholmeu, Captain Ratcliffe, Collin, King James, Sir Walter Raleigh, and the officers. The narrator is Samuel Collier. The setting is a shop, the streets, the orphanage, the docks, and London, England.  He has had a rough life until he is taken in by an orphanage.
UPOINT\3585 at 12/2/2009 1:36 PM


setting is London, England 1606.
The characters;Samuel Collier, Age11.Reverend Hunt.
Pawn Shop Owner

UPOINT\4661 at 12/2/2009 3:01 PM


Samuel Callier is telling this story and we know the story started taking place in London, England and the rest of the settings are the Palm shop, dock of ships, pour house, orphanage, and the harbor.
UPOINT\4036 at 12/3/2009 1:33 PM


The narrator is Samuel Coiner.

The setting is in London,England.

The caricatures are mom,dad,Samuel,shopkeeper,shopkeepers son,Richard,
Samantha Hunt at 12/7/2009 10:22 AM