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Mrs. Holloway's Three Cups of Tea Blog > Comments > Marlena  

Comments: Marlena




1. Hoerni said that the school built in Korphe was "Magnifique" (magnificent). He didnt die quietly, he was angry about dying but when Greg held his hand and showed him the videos he took in Korphe, of the children singing, his anger started to fade. He said to Greg, "I love you like a son."

2. I thought it was very interesting that Shakeela, Mohammed Aslam Khan's daughter, was so strong as to ignore what everyone else was saying, and get her education. I find this interesting because if it had been me, I most likely would have been very discouraged by what people were saying, and I might have given up my education. I also thought it was interesting that Mohammed Aslam Khan had to go so very far and even cross an icy river just to go to school. I think it is sad that he had to do so much to get an education. All that I have to do to go to school is rides my bike to the bus, and I wish he had had the ease that I had.

Created at 5/6/2010 2:57 PM  by UPOINT\3579 
Last modified at 5/6/2010 2:57 PM  by UPOINT\3579