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Unity Point School District 140
5th/6th Grade
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Learning Styles
1:1 Student Survey
View Response #19
1:1 Student Survey
: View Response #19
How often do you use your netbook to do the following...
Once a Week or Less
2 - 3 Times a Week
Write papers
Edit papers
Print papers
Take notes
Work with spreadsheets
Research information on the Internet
Play educational games online
Play educational games that came with Linux
Take tests or quizzes
Complete homework
Create presentations or projects
Send or Receive Email
Google Docs
Use a wiki
Listen to music
Watch videos
I use my netbook in the following classes...
(Check all that apply)
English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
When I am having problems with my netbook, I ...
Not very often I do this
Sometimes I do this
This is usually what I do
Try to solve the problem myself
I ask a friend for help
I ask my teacher for help
I ask another teacher for help
I have to give my netbook to my teacher so that it can be fixed by someone outside of the room.
I go to library to locate information less now that I have my netbook.
Strongly Disagree
Having my netbook helps me to be better organized.
I am more involved in my school work when I use my netbook.
I would rather not use my netbook.
I am more likely to revise/edit my work when it is done on my netbook.
Strongly Agree
All of the information available on the Internet make it difficult for me to research/analyze the information.
Now that I have my netbook I interact with my teachers more.
I do more work when I use my netbook.
Neither Agree or Disagree
I get my work done more quickly now that I have my netbook.
I am better able to understand my schoolwork when we use the netbooks.
I am more interested in school when we use netbooks.
I prefer to handwrite my assignments rather than use my netbook.
The quality of my work has improved since I began using my netbook.
Neither Agree or Disagree
I am responsible and care for my netbook, ALWAYS.
Strongly Agree
If given the option, I would choose to take my netbook home nightly and bring it back to school daily.
Strongly Agree
What happens in your classroom if you misuse your netbook?
They will take it away from you and will give it back at the end of the day or will make you use an older computer for the week.
What are three things you like about using the netbook in your classroom?
they go very fast
they are very small and handy
some grades are only to use them
What are some things you dislike about using a netbook in your classroom?
you can not go on YouTube
when you type it will hit something different
What advice would you give to a teacher who wanted to use netbooks in his or her classroom?
that they are not allways the best yo use
Created at 2/22/2010 6:53 AM by ***
Last modified at 2/22/2010 6:53 AM by ***