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Hilt > 6th Grade Schedule Survey > View Response #45  

6th Grade Schedule Survey: View Response #45

I prefer the new schedule that was used 2nd quarter.

Strongly Agree 

I would like to trade by homeroom for all my classes.

Strongly Disagree 

I would like to be mixed-up, like we were for 2nd quarter, for all my classes.

Strongly Agree 

I feel that I learn better when I am trading with the new schedule as compared to when I am trading with my homeroom.

Strongly Agree 

I would change nothing major about the schedule for 3rd quarter.

Neither Agree or Disagree 

If you have anything that you would like to share about the schedule change and how it has affected you and they way you learn please share it with us.

Created at 1/4/2011 9:02 AM  by *** 
Last modified at 1/4/2011 9:02 AM  by ***