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Unity Point School District 140
Jr. High
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7th Grade Blog
End of 1st Quarter
End of 1st Quarter
7th Grade Blog
: End of 1st Quarter
7FSK First quarter has been good and bad. I miss sixth grade a lot, because it was super fun. I like that we get to have P.E. every day. I feel so much older because we have six teachers! I wish I had some friends in my class though, my best friend is in a different class. We get so much homework this year though, but most of it isn't that bad. So far this quarter has been okay, I'm just getting into the swing of things. I think the second quarter will be easier because now I'm used to everything. I hope the rest of the year turns out great!
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Created at 10/16/2009 8:41 AM by UPOINT\3076
Last modified at 10/16/2009 8:41 AM by UPOINT\3076
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