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Unity Point School District 140
Jr. High
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7th Grade Blog
End of 1st Quarter
End of 1st Quarter
7th Grade Blog
: End of 1st Quarter
10-16 7FKP I have liked seventh grade so far, but there are some things that I don't like. We get homework in math every single day, no matter what, even if we have a test. I also do not like getting to the class after lunch, Mr. Wrights class, because I am always late because by the time I get to my locker, the bell has already rung. I do like this year though. I like how we get to listen to music in study hall, that is awesome, because if someone is talking to me I can just pretend I don't hear them and keep working.
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Created at 10/16/2009 8:42 AM by UPOINT\3097
Last modified at 10/16/2009 8:42 AM by UPOINT\3097
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