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7th Grade Blog: End of 1st Quarter


10-16 7FSK I think seventh grade so far is pretty good. I've been getting my homework done, I am participating in different activities like student council and I am trying out for Scholar Bowl. The teachers are great, they teach me exactly what I need to know. But twice this quarter I was close to the end of the lunch line and by the time I get to start eating, they start dismissing everyone and the aides say I could stay and eat. So I did but then I got in trouble for being late to class twice and my teacher said I would get a detention if I am late again. So I decided to get to class early rather than late. I am also going to try to be close to the beginning of the lunch line. I also enjoy study hall because we get to use our Ipods which is great because it helps me concentrate and it lets me leave the tumultuous crowd of the classroom.
Content Type: Message
Created at 10/16/2009 8:43 AM  by UPOINT\4016 
Last modified at 10/16/2009 8:43 AM  by UPOINT\4016