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Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
7th Grade Blog
: Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
1. I really like the new computers. They're small and light!!! I'm not really having any trouble typing on them. I don't like how the screen is small so you have to scroll back and forth and side to side. I think they're very helpful because they are faster than the old computers. 2. I like to build things like last year I got to build an aqua duct. I also like to draw. I don't really like to write informational things like reports. I don't really like presenting things unless its like a group thing. I like to color things too.
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Created at 8/28/2009 9:39 AM by UPOINT\3776
Last modified at 8/28/2009 9:39 AM by UPOINT\3776
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