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Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
7th Grade Blog
: Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
Well I think you might be able to read my mind because I definitely know about spacing out in class! I the freedom thing I'm all about, because if not sometimes it's like they don't trust us with technology! (teachers) But now I feel they do! I think it would be really cool though if they would let us take them home! 1. I like the new computers for a lot of reasons. First off, they are more fun than just listening to a teacher go over things in the classroom, because all we would do would be spacing out. With the computers, we get a little bit more freedom, and can learn more by doing this than watching anyone talk about states on the activboard. The computers are fun, but I would like it if we all carried our own little computers around. They are more helpful, because it is a more affective than any other teaching method, especially for people with short attention spans. 2. I hope that social studies isn't like it always is! When we just read from the textbook, no one really pays any attention, and the only way we even learned was by doing projects. my favorite things were projects, because those were hands on and fun. I hope that out of social studies I actually learn something this year, because most years we barely got anything at all. For projects, I would like more hands on things, and just things that actually help us.
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Created at 8/28/2009 9:45 AM by UPOINT\3355
Last modified at 8/28/2009 9:45 AM by UPOINT\3355
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