With each topic you will be expected to do two things to complete this assignment: (I will be taking a grade on your blogging so it is important to complete it each time we blog.)
1. First you will reflect on the topic I have given. After logging in, delete everything in the box and begin your blog by putting 12-17 (or what ever the date is), 8_ (teacher's initial), & your initials. It will look like this: "12-17 8BKF" Use complete sentences and you must write at least a paragraph. (No less than 5 sentence each topic.) We are not texting so spelling and punctuation counts!
2. On this one you may read other student's reflections and make comment to other student’s reflections. I will not be grading the comment but if I read any negative comments I will take points from you blog grade. Please don't use the above format when commenting on another student’s blog so I can tell which it is is: reflection or comment. Comments should be positive in nature or contain constructive suggestions. Any negative or rude comments will cost you the points for that blog assignment.
You are also welcome to return to the blog and add comments at other times during the week.
I am hoping that this blog will give you a voice in the classroom.
Ok we have tried something different for the chapter, did you like it or not? Please be specific about what you liked or didn't like. How could it be better? Would you like to do it again? Do you have another ways we could do the chapter, again be specific. Have a great break and I'll see you next year. This blog will not be on 2nd quarter but will be the first grade for 3rd quarter.