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8th Grade Blog: New way of doing chapter


12-17 8B I think that the new way that we're doing the chapter is great. It's a lot more efficient than just listening to you tell us the notes. I think that the major benefit is that we have the time to write more information down. When you're lecturing, sometimes we don't write fast enough to get all of the information that we need to know. Getting all of the facts from the book is great too because we would actually read the chapter and get the information that way. I also found that I remembered the stuff in the packet much better than just a lecture. I think that this was because we were presented the information three times. Once in the study guide packet, once in the notes packet, and the final time when a student presents the slide. Although I think that this method is great. I don't think that it should be used for some of the harder and longer chapters further on in the book. It should only be used with the shorter and less important chapters because sometimes when you give us information in front of the class we get some facts that we might've not gotten directly from the book.
Content Type: Message
Created at 12/17/2009 11:11 AM  by UPOINT\4519 
Last modified at 12/17/2009 11:11 AM  by UPOINT\4519