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Computer Lab Links

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Resource Links for the Computer Lab
Alice Gallery
The entire gallery of Alice models was primarily created through the generous donation of Carnegie Mellon students. Some of the models in the Hawaii gallery were created for a project at the University of Hawaii, partially funded by the National Science Foundation.

We appreciate the countless hours of dedication and hard work that was put into these models.

All models in the Alice gallery are in the public domain as long as they are used with the attached accreditation.
Alice - Homepage
Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience.
What is Alice? - Videos
Alice Tutorials
This series of tutorial lessons is designed to teach aspiring programmers who have no programming experience how to program using the Alice programming environment.