We are so excited for this month! It is very nice to be able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. We have many fun activities planned this month.
March 1-4: Dr. Suess week. We will review letter sounds, sentence formation, rhyming and read many Dr. Seuss books. Our main event this week is the creation of our classroom alphabet books we will be making on our ipads. Keep checking the website for our final products!
March 7-11: Our theme this week is weather. We will be learning about different weather events. We will learn when they occur and what causes them. This week we will be learning 2 letters: Jj and Ww. Our popcorn words are yellow, blue, and green. In math we will be identifying coins.
March 14-18: Spring Break
March 21-24: Our theme is Space for the next 2 weeks. We will have lots of fun exploring the stars, moons, and planets. Our letter is X and we will be reviewing popcorn words. For math this week, we will be practicing skills we have been learning all year.
March 28-31: We will continue our space unit. The letter of the week is Uu and our popcorn words are: what, said, was.
We will continue practicing math skills previously learned.