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5th Grade
Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
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Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog
Chapters 21 and 22
Chapters 21 and 22
In Chapter 22 Samuel begins living with the Warraskoyack. He begins to dress like them and look like them. What are the purposes for the way they dress and look?
Posted at 1:27 PM by Samantha Hunt |
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Comments (23)
Samuel dresses like them because his English clothes are to hot to where. He looks like them because they rub a mixture on there skin to keep the sun and bugs away. He also shaved one side of his head so it wouldn't get caught in his bow.
UPOINT\3579 at
1/5/2010 8:25 AM
Rea Yoh
He wears mantles because English clothes are hot and wears a deerskin mantle for warmth. He makes a bow and arrow to help him hunt. He cuts his hair because it gets in his way. He wears the reddish paste to protect him from the sun and insects. He puts decorations in his hair to be decorative. He wears moccasins to walk quietly on snow. That is why he decides to dress and look like Indians.
UPOINT\3207 at
1/5/2010 8:25 AM
Samuel dresses like the Indians so that he can be comfortable and safe. His skin looks the Indians because they rub themselves with this rub that keeps the bugs away and protects him from the sun. He shaved the side of his head so that his hair wouldn't get stuck in his bow and arrow. Lastly, he wears mantles because his English clothes are too hot. Those are the reasons he starts to look like an Indian.
UPOINT\3434 at
1/5/2010 8:39 AM
He starts to dress look them so he can fit in and survive. The red skin is made to protect them from the bugs. The moccians are made up of deer skins so they can hunt without making a noise. And the mantle is so he doesn't get too hot.
UPOINT\3918 at
1/5/2010 8:40 AM
He wants to survive from the winter so he came to the Warraskoyack. He got eguitment to hunt,survive,have clothing,and and the red skin to be protected by bugs.
UPOINT\3545 at
1/5/2010 8:49 AM
He dressed like them so he can survive and fit in. The red skin protects them from bugs. The mantle is so he does not get to hot. The moccasins are so he can hunt without making noise and to protect his feet.
UPOINT\3546 at
1/5/2010 8:50 AM
He does this to for certain reasons like the red stuff on his ski is to keep gnats and mistletoes off.
UPOINT\3565 at
1/5/2010 8:52 AM
He starts looking like them so he can survive in the wilderness. The thing that makes his skin turn red to protects him from bugs. The shoes make him hunt without noise. He shaved a part of his head so an arrow wouldn't get stuck in his hair.
UPOINT\1368 at
1/5/2010 8:54 AM
In Chapter 22 Samuel begins living with the Warraskoyack. He begins to dress like them and look like them. What are the purposes for the way they dress and look?
One reason is that when he uses the bow and arrow his hair get tangled in the arrow. So he has to shave one side of his head. Another reason is that winter was coming so he needed warm deer skin. And to hunt food, he used moccasins to stay quiet.
4697 at
1/5/2010 8:56 AM
He wears a mantel because the English clothes are hot. His head is shaved so it will not get caught in the bowstring. He all so used certain oils that turned his skin red to keep the bugs off and to protect him from the sun. He does all of this to stay safe and survive.
UPOINT\2962 at
1/5/2010 8:58 AM
He wears indian clothes to look normal and safety. He cut his hair so it dont getss caugt in the bowstring wen he hunts.
4727 at
1/5/2010 2:27 PM
Samuel dresses like that because there are reasons to do that. Like the hair Kaita's mother cut his hair only on the right not on the left because so Samuel's hair doesn't get stuck on the thing that you put the arrows in.He wore moccasins so that when he hunted it wouldn't make any noise and protect his feet and other reasons to do other stuff.
4608 at
1/5/2010 2:29 PM
The reason is to cut their hair on one side is so the bow and arrow will not tear their hair or cut them, and the reason of the body paint is tho camoflage and protect from the sun.
UPOINT\3429 at
1/5/2010 2:29 PM
The hair is cut on one side because, so their arrows won't get stuck on their hair, oil on their body to keep flies away, and moccasin shoes to stay quiet, while hunting.
UPOINT\4024 at
1/5/2010 2:31 PM
zion powell
they put animal blood and stuff on them to keep bugs away,they shave the right side of their hair so the bow wont get stuck in there hair
UPOINT\4735 at
1/5/2010 2:54 PM
Lydia Baker
The Warraskoyack dresses like that for different reasons. They wear furs to keep them warm in the winter. The also shave their heads so that their bows don't get stuck in their hair.
UPOINT\3539 at
1/5/2010 2:55 PM
The reason that he wore the native style clothes is so he wouldn't be hot. He shaved one side of his head so he wouldn't get it caught in his bow. He wears moccasins to protect his feet and still be quiet. He also wears a combination of things put together in a red liquidy substance to protect him from the sun and bugs.
UPOINT\3597 at
1/5/2010 2:56 PM
Samuel dress like that because there have reasons. Samuel wore moccasins so when he hunted it will not make any noise and protect his feet and other reasons to do other stuff.The hair is cut in one side because the bow and arrow won't get stuck.
UPOINT\4732 at
1/5/2010 4:18 PM
He wears like them because his own English cloths are hot in Jamestown. Also he wears Warraskoyack's cloth because other insects or things don't get in.
UPOINT\4685 at
1/6/2010 1:22 PM
he wears them to stay cool and to help with hunting and to keep the bugs away
UPOINT\4049 at
1/6/2010 2:49 PM
beacase they use the things they have they use deer for clothing
UPOINT\4523 at
1/11/2010 8:48 AM
Samuel is trying to blend in with the Warraskoyack.
UPOINT\3253 at
1/11/2010 1:50 PM
His clothes are to hot for the climate.
UPOINT\4480 at
1/12/2010 8:53 AM