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Mrs. Holloway's Blood on the River Blog > Posts > Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 3 and 4
"But I know there is no peace inside Master Wingfield. I know it is only a matter of time before he strikes. It will not be with fists, as we commoners do. I will be with his power, and it will be worse than fists." (p.18)
What does the author mean when she writes that the "power" Master Wingfield has is greater than "fists" of a commoner? What does this quote reveal about the class system in England?



His words are more powerful than commoner's fist because he is a gentleman. In England the words of a gentleman would be more powerful than words spoken by a commoner.
UPOINT\4685 at 12/2/2009 2:49 PM


That people that are high class they can do or say anything.When your not high class you get treated differently and unfairly.
UPOINT\3253 at 12/2/2009 2:51 PM

Dr. M Zaggy the first

I think that that means that his power means more than fists. He could have somebody hung.  :)
4727 at 12/3/2009 2:41 PM


Maybe his “power” is  anger or words. And if you are a commoner, you are less respected. Smith is a commoner, so people don't respect him as much.
UPOINT\3207 at 12/3/2009 2:41 PM


he has alot of power as in munny and that the more munny you have the more powerfull
UPOINT\4049 at 12/3/2009 2:42 PM


It means that they fight with words, not fists.
UPOINT\4480 at 12/3/2009 2:43 PM


It means that  Wingfield may be able to control commoners such as Captain Smith. Higher class men such as Master Wingfield have more control and more rights than commoners. The ruler might also believe gentlemen more than poor men.
UPOINT\3434 at 12/3/2009 2:43 PM


She means power as authority. it means it is powerful
UPOINT\3565 at 12/3/2009 2:44 PM

Reese $agent$ 1!!!

I think it means that they do more than just punching like hanging people. $agent$ 1 out...
UPOINT\3545 at 12/3/2009 2:45 PM


Some of them want to go back.
His power is more powerful than fists.

That means that the people that he is in carge of will ambush the two.Everyone thinks that they are better than the boy. The oceans in england are greenish but the water in the area that go to are blue. Since capt. Newport is in a higher class they all believe that capt. smith did something wrong.
UPOINT\3918 at 12/3/2009 2:46 PM


because people thinks he is ore powerful because he's in first class.
people think that his words are much more powerful than his fists
UPOINT\1368 at 12/3/2009 2:46 PM

Lydia Baker

1. Master Wingfield has great power, so if he gets angry he has the power to... well kill you really. So that is really worse than just fists.
2. Commoners usually fight with their fists, because they don't have mighty power like Master Wingfield to kill.
UPOINT\3539 at 12/3/2009 2:46 PM


She means that just because Master Wingfield is a gentlemen he can put a commoner in jail if he wants to. That power is greater than fists. No matter how noble, nice, or creative you are, you don't have the same status/power as a gentlemen.
This is the status order from greatest to least. Royalty, gentlemen, businessmen, middle class, poor, someone who lives on the street, and slaves.
UPOINT\3597 at 12/3/2009 2:47 PM

Jonathon the great

he has alot of power as in money and that the more money you have the more powerful
UPOINT\3546 at 12/3/2009 2:47 PM

dr Zion powell the awesome and cool and president of the world ha!

she means power as authority. as in england the higher person has a bigger spech
UPOINT\4735 at 12/3/2009 2:48 PM


People think that people of high authority are smarter than commoners because they are important, which means that the class system in England would make Master Wingfield have power over the commoners. If this is so than Master Wingfield has a right to arrest Captain John Smith. A fist can just
UPOINT\3579 at 12/3/2009 2:49 PM


It means that Master Wingfield has power over Smith so he can arrest Smith.The quote also reveals that a "gentlemen" like Wingfield has a higher rank than a commoner like Smith.
UPOINT\4024 at 12/3/2009 2:50 PM


 1. the comminers fight with fists were as Master Wingfield says something and gets it even if its a lie he can get someone in bars

2. it is almost like two levels of people if you are Master Wingfield you have the most power so the first class someone with less power like captin smith you are in the second class with the comminers
UPOINT\3429 at 12/3/2009 2:52 PM


If you use your power you can control them for a longer time.

That it is not fair, cause if you are different you have different powers.
4697 at 12/3/2009 2:53 PM


1.That his words are more powerful than anybody's fists.
2.That in England you how a high ranking person you have a lot of power.
UPOINT\2962 at 12/3/2009 2:53 PM


Master Wingfield accuses him by saying that Captain Smith has to go to jail because for intent to overthrow the government of his mission,murder the council members, and make Himself ruler.The quote means that Master Wingfield has power over Captain Smith.
4608 at 12/3/2009 2:53 PM

Auni 1 #5hO

Gentlemen have more power than commoners.Commoners use thier fists for power.
UPOINT\4732 at 12/4/2009 8:44 AM


Gentlemen have more  power thain commers.
UPOINT\4523 at 12/4/2009 9:03 AM