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Mrs. Hunt's Blood on the River Blog > Posts > Chapter 17 and 18
Chapter 17 and 18
How has Samuel changed since he lived in England? How have the people at Jamestown changed since the fire?



 Samuel has learned to control his anger and now he actually has somebody to care about. He has Caption John Smith, Richard and Reverend Hunt to care about. The colonists have changed by learning to grow food and learning they have to work together.
UPOINT\3515 at 12/15/2009 1:26 PM


Samuel has been working with others, and not fighting. The colonists have grown together more since the fire in Jamestown.
UPOINT\3585 at 12/16/2009 9:27 AM


Samuel changes by learning how to control his anger and not be so violent.Now that he is nicer Richard is his friend.The men have changed by learning to work harder and to work as a team and not be so lazy.
UPOINT\3427 at 12/16/2009 9:27 AM


Samuel has changed by becoming nicer. Ever since the fire all of the men decided to work together to help build new houses for everyone
UPOINT\4036 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


he dose not fight any more . and the fire  has  made them work harder they  are also friends with the Powhatan tribe.
4605 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


Samuel has changed by learning to let people into his circle and he is not as mean now he is also learning that he can't stand by him-self. All of the people changed by working together or "standing on many feet."
UPOINT\3611 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


Samuel changed by helping , getting along with each other, and being nice.All the colonist changed by learning to help each other and learning how to grow food.
UPOINT\3418 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


Samuel has become more nicer and being to depend on other people.They have changed by making there family a lot more bigger and getting more food,but more of there are getting sick by Spanish putting poision in there food and drinks.
UPOINT\4300 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


He has changed because he has people to look up to now instead of when he was in England. People are working much harder to rebuild the camp and now that they have help from the Powhatans  they are doing better but it is getting closer to winter and it is hard to survive.
UPOINT\4702 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


He's better at is anger the colonist has changed too
UPOINT\4033 at 12/16/2009 9:28 AM


Samuel has learned to cooperate the importance of learning. He has learned to depend on others and learned some Algonquian words to.  The colonists have changed by attitude . They now know how to plant.
UPOINT\4321 at 12/16/2009 9:30 AM


In England Samuel was always mean. He would beat up anyone who was mean to him. but in Virginia he could control if he was mad. He started adapting with the boys and the environment. The people have changed since the fire by helping each other now. Also by making right decisions.
4695 at 12/16/2009 9:30 AM


Samuel can now control his anger and has learned  how to speak  native language.  
UPOINT\3690 at 12/16/2009 9:30 AM


When Samuel first came he thought he didn't need a friend and he didn't care about anyone. He also Captain John Smith that he was unteachable. but then Smith told him to be able to survive in Virginia you have to stand on many legs you have to learn to trust people and so now Samuel is getting better and cares about people like Captain John Smith, Richard, and Reverend Hunt! And Captain Smith proved to Samuel that he was teachable he taught Samuel to be nice to others, to fight with a sword and talk it out and not with your fists.
Mary Goodale at 12/16/2009 9:30 AM


In England, Samuel was violent, didn't want people's help, and didn't care about others. Since he came to Virginia, he started cooperating, making friends, and started depending on people, like Captain John Smith, Reverend Hunt, and Richard. When there was the fire, Samuel helped people, and worked hard.
UPOINT\4055 at 12/16/2009 9:30 AM


Samuel changes working hard and not fighting.
UPOINT\4661 at 12/16/2009 10:04 AM