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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
Ms. Trapani's Blood on the River Blog
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Ms. Trapani's Blood on the River Blog
Chapters 9 and 10
Chapters 9 and 10
What steps is Samuel taking to try and get along better with Richard and James?
Posted at 8:20 AM by Samantha Hunt |
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Comments (21)
He tries to work and be nice to them but they keep avoiding him.
UPOINT\4483 at
12/9/2009 2:11 PM
Destiny Sisk
He asks them to all work together by one boy bend a sapling over, another boy chop it at its base with strong downward strokes, and the third boy drag the saplings into a brush pile. But the other boys avoid him.
UPOINT\4030 at
12/9/2009 2:11 PM
What steps is Samuel taking to try and get along better with Richard and James?
He tries saving them by putting a mattress over them but James refused and died :O
UPOINT\4734 at
12/9/2009 2:12 PM
Somebody(i forgot who)tells Samual that he needs to be nicer to james because his dad doent want him and his stepmum doent like him.so he tries but then james dies.
UPOINT\3542 at
12/9/2009 2:12 PM
Samuel is getting along with James and Richard by controlling his anger even when they make him mad.
UPOINT\4742 at
12/9/2009 2:12 PM
didn't work the first time second time it kinda worked Richard listened James didnt' so he died
UPOINT\4303 at
12/9/2009 2:13 PM
Samuel Richard, and James 1 Step is he's trying to be nicer. But theres one interference with James and Samuel James died
UPOINT\3529 at
12/9/2009 2:13 PM
Samuel is trying to be nice and to not fight with him and he tries to work together
UPOINT\4046 at
12/9/2009 2:13 PM
Cole 5-T
Samuels not going to call them names, fight with them, when they say odd stuff, he won't say anything to them, and tries to work together with them, but doesn't work.
UPOINT\3560 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Samuel is trying to get them to work together, then maybe later, they could have had a better relationship.
UPOINT\3438 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Ore O.
Samuel tries by gaining trust,and helpining out .They try to work together.It might become a better relationship
4060 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Samuel apologizes to them, and tells them he is sorry.
He preferred to apologize and get along with them so captain smith didn't put him in a chain.
UPOINT\3588 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Not yelling screaming or hitting them.
UPOINT\4532 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Ananth 5T
He is trying to work together with them and not yell and beat them.
UPOINT\3572 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Samuel offers work together with Richard and James to clear land for gardens and tents, but they denied him actually helping them.
UPOINT\3613 at
12/9/2009 2:14 PM
Re: Chapters 9 and 10
What steps is Samuel taking to try and get along better with Richard and James? Not to hit them,punch them,are to call them names.
UPOINT\4517 at
12/9/2009 2:15 PM
He tries to work with them, but they don't trust him.James dies when the "savages" attack since does not trust him.
UPOINT\3569 at
12/9/2009 2:15 PM
he tries to.. but they ignore him.
UPOINT\3790 at
12/9/2009 2:15 PM
He pulled Richard under the mattress and tried to help James.After James died he was nicer to Richard.
UPOINT\3436 at
12/9/2009 2:16 PM
Samuel tries to build trust and help them. Maybe if they work together they could become friends.
UPOINT\3457 at
12/14/2009 1:44 PM
He pulled Richard under the mattress and tried to help James . After Jame's death Samuel he was nicer to Richard.
UPOINT\3425 at
1/4/2010 8:44 AM