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Mrs. Holloway's Three Cups of Tea Blog > Posts > Chapters 1-3
Chapters 1-3
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What role does the setting--the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas--play in the initial events of this story?
2. What does Mortenson discover about the quality of life in Korphe, specifically in regard to healthcare and education?
3. In what ways is the quality of life in Korphe better or worse that your own?


Mylo 22 5HO

1: Him finding the village of Korphe and deciding to build them a school.

2: It is a very pore place and many of the children have no food. One of three children die before they get to age one.

3: They have no schools and they are starving. Most of Americans aren't living that way. Most people in the USA die at either an old age or desese. But there some die at a premature age. Before age one.

4727 at 4/20/2010 2:35 PM


1.he found the village and what shape they where in. was a poor village and their was not much food to go around and alot of children died.
3.they do not have schools or many well educated people their and their are alot here
UPOINT\4049 at 4/20/2010 2:42 PM


1. Him finding the village

2. The village is very poor and they don't have health care

3. Its a lot worse because i have health care and i can go to school
UPOINT\3565 at 4/20/2010 2:45 PM

Lydia Baker

1. The role that the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas played is what Mortenson described his journey as. (Like when he was lost in the mountains.
2. Mortenson discovered that the life in Korphe was  bad. Their health care and education was poor. The children sat on the ground writing in the mud with sticks for their education, and the sick people had to suffer.
3.The quality of life in Korphe compared to ours is really sad because they don't get to have an education like us because they don't even have a school!
UPOINT\3539 at 4/20/2010 2:45 PM


1.Because climbing K2 was a difficult task, he was lost in there for a period of time, before stumbling onto Korphe.
2.Korphe is a very poor village.Most kids have malnutrition, and farming is very difficult there.
3.The people of the Korphe have a much harder life than us.Many can't afford education, there aren't enough to eat, and no healthcare.
UPOINT\4024 at 4/20/2010 2:46 PM


1finding korphe and building a school it is poor the children have no food most of the kids die before the age of 1
2 they are poor and have no food  and no school there and here most are not poor and have food and we have a school
3 i get to go to school and get educated in a building and they don't
UPOINT\3546 at 4/20/2010 2:47 PM


1. Him getting to know people of Korphe and realizing that they need a school.
2. It isn't to good and that they need better healthcare and education. So he helps them.
3. It is much worse than mine, and it makes me feel very lucky to have such a life. And if I want something then i should remember these children and not complain to what they have.
UPOINT\3434 at 4/20/2010 2:47 PM


1) How he gets sick, gets lost, and finds the little village of Korphe so he can build a school for them.
2) How they are not very educated, and doesn't have the best healthcare.
3)Korphe is a lot worse than my lifestyle because they do not have much education, that there aren't many doctors, and the village is poor. They are better because they have to work together, and cooperate better.
UPOINT\3207 at 4/20/2010 2:48 PM


1. What role does the setting--the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas--play in the initial events of this story?
2. What does Mortenson discover about the quality of life in Korphe, specifically in regard to health care and education?
3. In what ways is the quality of life in Korphe better or worse that your own?

Answer: 1. Greg Mortenson tried to climb that mountain in honor
 of his sister, Christa, but took the wrong trail and got
 lost. He was getting really sick. Then he stumbled                 into this poor village called Korphe. The people their helped
 him recover.

2. He soon learned that the children of Korphe have no school and their education was poor.

3. Their life is worst than ours, we go to a school and they work on the ground, we have education and their teacher came only 3 days a week, we have electricity and they don't even have a light bulb!
4697 at 4/20/2010 2:49 PM


1. The high altitude caused a climber to become ill and made them have to turn back. Greg got lost and had to try to find his way back which was hard because of the treacherous terrain.

2. Greg discovers that many people are ill and the village cannot pay for medical supplies. He also finds that there is very little opportunity for the children to learn because a teacher costs a dollar a day and they cannot afford that. A teacher that is shared with a nearby village comes three times a week.

3. It is much worse than my life in Korphe. I have easy access to health care and education. 

UPOINT\3579 at 4/20/2010 2:51 PM


1)Him getting lost and deciding to build a school for Korphe.

2)He learned that they have a school that their teacher comes three days a week and pay one dollar a day and can't afford.They even have a doctor that lives a week away and lots have diseases.

3)In Korphe there are lots of diseases that  some babies live longer then one year or some even die at one year old.So my chose is that Korphe is worse.
UPOINT\3253 at 4/20/2010 2:52 PM


1. It made one of the climbers sick and made them turn back, and the treacherous terrain made it hard to get off the mountain.
2. They are very poor, don't have a good education and don't have a really good doctor.
3. Worse because we get enough food, have a good school, and good doctors.
UPOINT\2962 at 4/20/2010 2:55 PM


[1]  The Himalayas play in the initial part of the story because they describe the weather and the weather is important to know.The weather helps you think how Greg Mortenson feels.It gives him a allititude diesease, and even leads him to Korphe. If it didn't happen then he wouldn't have started pennies for peace and other things.
[2]  Greg thinks Korphe is poor and has less education. The students have to write on the ground and the teacher comes 3 days one week. Also they have to pay the teacher one dollar which they [Korphe] cannot afford. The healthcare is bad too. Greg thinks that they need more. The doctor is so far away from Korphe.
[3] Korphe is worse then U.S. because they are poor and have less education. It is also better then us because they are humble and don't take things for granted. Also,they know how to work together.
4608 at 4/20/2010 2:56 PM


1. It has the role of getting Greg lost. If it didn't he wouldn't of found Korphe.
2. Greg finds out that Korphe is very poor, has a poor education system, no school building, a teacher that comes only 3 days a week, and doesn't have good health-care.
3. A lot of people are probably nicer in Korphe b/c they know what it feels like to be poor, we are healthier, better educated, and have more money then them, and they live more naturally with the land.
UPOINT\3597 at 4/20/2010 2:56 PM


1) Him finding Korphoe the village and building schools.
2) It is very poor there ,the people there barley have any  food, children barley have education,and they also die a lot before they even get to the nearest doctor, which is about a week away.
3) We have schools and education. Children there have barley any education. They only go to school for 3 days a week. Americans are a lot richer than the people in Pakistan. We have a comfy home and other stuff.
UPOINT\1368 at 4/20/2010 2:57 PM


1)Greg getting lost and finding his way to Korphe.
2)Korphe does not have good education or health care because of the lack of materials.
3)The Korphe life is worse than mine because they don't get the chance to go to school,our healthcare is better so we can heal or at least heal faster.
UPOINT\3429 at 4/20/2010 2:58 PM


1)It is about him getting to know the people and realizing that they need a school.
2)Most people don't have an education in Korphoe and 1/3 of all the kids in Korphoe die of diseases before they are even 1 year old because the nearest docter is a week's walk away.
3)Here in America health care and education is required but back in Korphoe, health care and education is very scarce.
UPOINT\3918 at 4/20/2010 8:47 PM


1. He got lost in K2 because of high altitude. Than he found Korphe and deciding to build school for them.

2. He realized that Korphe does not have good education nor health care. They don't have really good doctor.

3. The Korphe is worse than mine because we have good education and school. We also have good health care.
UPOINT\4685 at 4/21/2010 9:00 AM


1.he got lost on K2.beacuse the altitude and he cood not think or know what to do

2. It is a very pore place and many of the children have no school or food.And the hosbitale is like miles far away

3.there life is Better, beacse we coed climb around and we grt to go out side
UPOINT\4523 at 4/21/2010 9:00 AM


1) finding the villige of korphe and dicide to build a school.

2)The school is different than others.they have no food, dosen't have good education.Alot of kids death because they dosent have good health care.

3)I think korphe life is not worse.they can still survive.They have food. but the pore is they doent have any chance to go to school, dosent have any good health care.
UPOINT\4732 at 4/21/2010 9:01 AM

Zion A. Powell

1.Finding his ways to Korphe wile being lost

2.Greg finds out that Korphe is very poor,and decides to help them

3.their life is worse it is very cold, and they don't have alot of food nor health care
UPOINT\4735 at 4/26/2010 1:07 PM


questions 1. What role does the setting--the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas--play in the initial events of this story? 2. What does Mortenson discover about the quality of life in Korphe, specifically in regard to healthcare and education? 3. In what ways is the quality of life in Korphe better or worse that your own? answers 1. Greg tried to climb the Himalayas for his sister and he was going to put his sisters necklace on the top of the mountain,her name was Christa,but accidentally went down the wrong side of the mountain. Then he found a poor village where they could help him. 2. He realized that the kids had no schools and they were poor. 3. The kids had only ground to sit on and they were poor. A teacher would come to a house 3 times a week. And only candles to light homes
Samantha Hunt at 5/2/2010 11:42 PM


1. Him finding the city of Korphe.

2. It's a poor place that needs food. One child died before the age of one.

3. We have a bunch of schools & plenty of food, water, & shelter.

UPOINT\4480 at 5/3/2010 8:40 AM