Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Mortenson states that war on terror "will ultimately be won with books, not bombs." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please explain.
2. How is education like water?
3. How is life like climbing a mountain? 5/11/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What does Haji Ali mean when he tells Mortenson to "listen to the wind"?
2. Mortenson says, "the difference between becoming a good local citizen and a terrorist could be an education." Do you agree or disagree? How so? Does Mortenson's statement apply to citizens in the U.S. as well? How so? 5/10/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. How has your understanding of Muslims and/or Muslim culture changes from reading this story?
2. List three reasons why there is a need for a water pump in Skardu. 5/5/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. List two details from Chapter 15 that reveal that Jean Hoerni is proud of his role in the Central Asia Institute.
2. Please list two details from Chapter 16 that are interesting to you. Please tell why they interest you. 5/4/2010
Please use at least three sentences to summarize what happens to Greg in this chapter.
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. In Chapter 13 Haji Ali teaches Greg Mortenson a lesson about the Balti culture compared to American culture. What is the lesson?
2. Please recall in your own words the idea of "Three Cups of Tea" and what it means to Balti people.
3. Why does Greg consider Haji Ali the wisest man he ever knew? Describe the wisest person you know and why is he or she wise. 5/2/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. The title of the chapter "Building Bridges" has a literal and figurative meaning. Define both and tell how each relates to the story.
2. What important personal event takes place in Chapter 11 of the story? 4/27/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Why does Mortenson drink tea with Haji Ali before he tells him about building the school?
2. What new obstacle does Mortenson face in chapter 8?
3. Retell, in your own words, the hunt that Mortenson participates in. How does this hunt reflect the values and traditions of the Balti community? 4/25/2010
1. When Mortenson returns to Pakistan with money for the Korphe school, Abdul Shah, the watchman at the hotel, says, "By the merciful light of Allah Almighty, tomorrow we make much bargain (p. 32)." What does Shah mean? What do the act of bargaining and the mention of Allah reveal about Shah's culture? How is it similar or different to your culture?
2. What misunderstanding occurs in this chapter? 4/18/2010
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. List three important details from Mortenson's childhood.
2. How does Mortenson try to raise money for the school? Is he successful?
3. What roles do Kishwar Syed and Jean Hoerni play in Mortenson's fundraising?