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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
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Mrs. Hunt's Three Cups of Tea Blog
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Parent PBIS Survey
View Response #10
Parent PBIS Survey
: View Response #10
Please check all grade levels that your child or children are in this year.
What do you know about PBIS?
Have you heard or know about the Trojan Traits: Respectful, Responsible & Ready?
Does your child show you or talk with you about receiving Trojan Tickets?
If your child talks about receiving Trojan Tickets, what do they say they recieve them for?
Being kind, polite, respectful
Do you feel your child's behavior has improved in any area based on the receipt of Trojan Tickets?
If you feel your child's behavior has improved based on the receipt of Trojan Tickets please explain how.
He tries to be more helpful toward the teachers and other students.
Has your child talked with you about spending their Trojan Tickets at the Trojan Store?
If your child has talked with you about the Trojan Store, what do they say?
He likes to go to the trojan store but feels that the prizes cost a lot of tickets and the tickets are hardly ever passed out.
Do you feel your child has positive support when it comes to his/her behavior at school?
What could be done to improve the behavioral support your child is receiving?
Everyone needs to be on the same page when it comes to handing out the tickets. Some staff memebers hand them out all the time and others never hand them out. Handing out the tickets is very subjective. One student may get a ticket for a certain behavior while another student does not get a ticket for the same behavior. My son does not get excited about the tickets anymore because - eventhough he exibits all of the traits that Unity Point focuses on, he never recieves any tickets. Also, a big "Thank You" to all of the staff at UP - including the volunteers!
Created at 4/24/2009 1:42 PM by ***
Last modified at 4/24/2009 1:50 PM by ***