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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
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Parent PBIS Survey
View Response #41
Parent PBIS Survey
: View Response #41
Please check all grade levels that your child or children are in this year.
What do you know about PBIS?
Have you heard or know about the Trojan Traits: Respectful, Responsible & Ready?
Does your child show you or talk with you about receiving Trojan Tickets?
If your child talks about receiving Trojan Tickets, what do they say they recieve them for?
I do not remember.
Do you feel your child's behavior has improved in any area based on the receipt of Trojan Tickets?
If you feel your child's behavior has improved based on the receipt of Trojan Tickets please explain how.
Has your child talked with you about spending their Trojan Tickets at the Trojan Store?
If your child has talked with you about the Trojan Store, what do they say?
They say the Trojan Store is in the principals office and they get to go and pick out a toy or prize.
Do you feel your child has positive support when it comes to his/her behavior at school?
What could be done to improve the behavioral support your child is receiving?
My child doesn't have any behavioral problems that affect her learning. She talks a lot. :) But she gets her work done. For other children I would suggest positive criticism in both negative and positive situations. If a child is always getting negative reinforcement, they will continue to behave in the way that gets them the most attention, which is negative. So praise children who have behavioral problems when they do something good.
If that makes any sense.
Created at 4/30/2009 5:53 PM by ***
Last modified at 4/30/2009 5:57 PM by ***