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Comments: Katarena #12, 5-T


Katarena #12, 5-T 


Chapters 21-22
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Mortenson states that war on terror "will ultimately be won with books, not bombs." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please explain.
1a. I agree because if you just keep trying to out do people with better weapons, the fighting will go on forever and will just get worse with time, but if you teach people the wonders of thee  outside world people will not want to destroy them and make peace with other countries, not war.
2. How is education like water?
2a. It is essential for life.

3. How is life like climbing a mountain?
3a. There are lots of ups, downs, and ruff edges.
Created at 5/12/2010 2:12 PM  by UPOINT\3568 
Last modified at 5/17/2010 2:16 PM  by UPOINT\3568