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Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog > Comments > Hasani  

Comments: Hasani




1.I agree with Greg because if we bomb each other back and forth, we'll never be able to talk about it. You never know we might come to an agreement!
2.Educational is like water because every thing needs water to live and if we didn't have an education we would be like cavemen. (No offense to all the cavemen!)
3.Life is like a mountain because you make choices. If you grab the wrong rock to pull your self up it's pike picking the wrong friends.So choose right. Sometimes you might slip down some and sometimes you might just shoot up the mountain. That's like having good and bad days.
Created at 5/12/2010 2:16 PM  by UPOINT\4532 
Last modified at 5/12/2010 2:16 PM  by UPOINT\4532