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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog
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Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog
Katarena #12, 5-T
: Katarena #12, 5-T
Katarena #12, 5-T
Chapter 14
Please use at least three sentences to summarize what happens to Greg in this chapter
First, Greg, finds a place that he thinks he might be able to build another school, if the people here want one, But he is wrong to come here. As it turns out Greg's host willingly give him away to a group of people how kidnap him and take him to a room were they barely give him anything to eat. There is one man how gives him a better meal and has some people entertain him with a football (soccer) game. The man tells Greg to call him Khan. Finally, Khan takes him to a celebration and they let him go.
Created at 5/17/2010 1:48 PM by UPOINT\3568
Last modified at 5/17/2010 1:48 PM by UPOINT\3568
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