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Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog > Posts > Chapters 1-3
Chapters 1-3
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What role does the setting--the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas--play in the initial events of this story?
2. What does Mortenson discover about the quality of life in Korphe, specifically in regard to healthcare and education?
3. In what ways is the quality of life in Korphe better or worse that your own?



 1.The K2 mountain plays a big role in the book because it helps him get to Korphe.

2.He discovers that kids don't get good education and 1 out of 3 children die of malnutrition. He also learns that the people there die from illnesses that you can very easily cure in the U.S.

3. They work hard to get their food and are very helpful to each other.
UPOINT\3542 at 4/20/2010 2:08 PM


1: Due the fact Greg gets Altitude sickness, he can't complete his journey down the mountain.

2:He finds that health care is very delicate, and there is 1 doctor that lives a weeks walk away. They do not have a school, they have to sit outside,and there is a male teacher that lives in another village,that comes 3 times a week, and lastly they pay him a dollar a day and they village can not afford it.

3: In Korphe it is worse, because in Carbondale we have a building for school, and in Korphe they have to sit outside.
UPOINT\3457 at 4/20/2010 2:10 PM

Destiny sisk

1.It evects him because he gets altitude sickness so he can't complete his journey to get to K2.
2. He discovers that Korphe has little money and due to the little money they don't have enough to make a school and that they have to have school outside and the health care causes people to not get a cure and if its like cancer possible die.
3. Its worse because here in the U.S we have many schools and some health care and so people are cured faster than in Korphe. And in Korphe, they have no health care, no school building or anything.
UPOINT\4030 at 4/20/2010 2:12 PM


1)Greg can't find his way down the mountain.He finds Korphe while he is lost.
2)He finds out that it's a week's walk to the doctor,and the teacher comes 3 days a week.
3)They work together more so that's a good thing,but we get a better education.
UPOINT\3569 at 4/20/2010 2:12 PM


1. the mountain plays a huge role because it helps him get to Korphe
   2. he discovered a lots  of things one thing was that the people there didn't have a school for the kids to study he also discovered that they didn't have that much money to pay for their needs and that they had a lot of diseases that could be easily cured in  the United states, but they could not cure it.
      3. the life in Korphe is worse than my life here because I have  a school to learn in, but they don't but life there is better because even though they do not have a lot they appreciate what they have
UPOINT\4046 at 4/20/2010 2:13 PM


1.) The high altitude makes Mortenson get altitude sickness, which causes him to think he has failed to reach his goal.
2.) Korphe has little money, so it can't get the money for the schools & healthcare it needs.
3.) I think they have it worse than me because, the kids don't get a decent education, like I do.
UPOINT\3438 at 4/20/2010 2:13 PM


- What role does the setting--the high altitude and the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas--play in the initial events of this story?
It causes Greg a lot of trouble, even after he is off the glacier, he is distracted by trees.

-What does Mortenson discover about the quality of life in Korphe, specifically in regard to healthcare and education?

That 1 out of 3 children die before the age of 1. The education is expensive, 1$ dollar a day, and the nearest docter is a weeks walk away. No school building.

-In what ways is the quality of life in Korphe better or worse that your own?

Well most kids die of lack of food, malnutrition, and having to walk a week to the doctors is too much for some people. Kids have to write with sticks dipped in the mud and some just trace in the dust. We have pencils. I feel sorry for them.

UPOINT\4734 at 4/20/2010 2:13 PM


1. The setting stopped him from doing what he needed to do because he got altitude sickness.
2.Mortenson discovers that the quality of the kids in Korphe is really poor because they didn't have anyone to help them, but the guy said that he visited a couple times and when he saw the kids that didn't have a school to work in he said that he would give them one.
2.Mortenson discovers that the people in Korphe is a poor place and they are having problems with the healthcare there. He also discovers that they have a bad problem with education so he says that he promises they will have a school.
3. The quality in Korphe is worse because they don't really have a good education.
UPOINT\4742 at 4/20/2010 2:14 PM


1. It effects him because he gets altitude sickness and can't continue his hike up the mountain.

2. He discovers that Korphe has little food, money, don't have schools, and no doctors makes him decide that he is going to build a school himself.

3. Worse because they have no schools, doctors or money to pay the  teacher.
UPOINT\3613 at 4/20/2010 2:14 PM


1. The setting with the high altitude and treacherous terrain made one of Greg's colleagues get sick and Greg and his colleagues have to go back down the mountain. As a result of having to go down the mountain he gets lost, and eventually finds stumbles into Korphe.
2. He discovers that the diseases that can easily be cured in the U.S. and one out of three children die before the age of one. Plus, he discovers that a teacher only comes three days a week and the rest of the time they have to practice the lessons the teacher leaves behind.
3. It is worse because we get teachers five days a week. Plus,we get way better medical treatment.
UPOINT\3572 at 4/20/2010 2:15 PM


due to the altitude sickness it prevented him to get to k2.
He discovers that they have diseases that could be cured in america but not in korphe and that the doctor lived far away. he also discovered that the children didn't have a school.
We have a school and they don't and we have doctors close were we live, we also have good education.
UPOINT\3588 at 4/20/2010 2:15 PM


1: He wasn't able to reach the summit. So, he had gotten lost and traveled up a slope. Eventually, he found a man who lead him to a village where he could eat and sleep.

2: He discovered they had barely enough to survive, and they had no school.

3:It is a lot worse because they don't have a lot of education or safety.
UPOINT\3436 at 4/21/2010 9:00 AM

Ore Ojewuyi

1.He had altitiude sickness and the cause was he didnt end up in K2.    2. They had little to eat no school and have barely anything to survive .      3. I have an education when they have very little education.And we can reach a doctor without a week long walk.
4060 at 4/23/2010 1:56 PM


1 The high altitude makes it hard too breath.
2. The children have no school and their village is poor and does'nt have a hospital.
3. We have things easy and sometimes don't have to lift a finger. And the children and people have to work for what they want and need.  
UPOINT\4532 at 4/23/2010 1:58 PM


it pas a deth\life saviing role
that they are very poor and can barley afford a doctor\teacher
worse because i get a school technology and supplies
UPOINT\4303 at 4/23/2010 1:59 PM


1. The mountain K2 is very important because it helps him get to Korphe .
2. He realizes that the Doctors are a days walk and that the children are left alone to do studies, they have no school building he wants to help with that.
3. There worse because they have no school building, no pencils, or a teacher that will stay over 1 hour. But I have a school building, pencils, and a couple teachers that stay over 1 hour it's 8 hours.
UPOINT\3529 at 4/23/2010 2:01 PM

Katarena #12,5-T

1. The high altitude can give you altitude sickness. Greg dose not get it but one of his fellow climbers  dose. Greg takes him back down the mountain to where a helicopter can pick him up and take him to a doctor. The treacherous terrain makes it hard to climb, and Greg soon gets lost.

2. There is not very good health care, or schools.

3. I have a much easer life with the way I have access to doctors and healers from all over. I have a nice house and have the privilege to go to school.
UPOINT\3568 at 4/23/2010 2:04 PM


1.The k2 mountain helps him get to the place known as Korphe
2.he wants to build Korphe a school.
3.they work hard for their food.
UPOINT\4517 at 4/23/2010 2:12 PM

Kaitlyn Langin

1. The mountain plays a big role because  it  leads the right way to korphe.
2.   Greg  finds out a lot of differences between him and the people their. for example,
 the children write in the dirt with sticks instead of in a school with desks,and pencils, and paper.
3. They can survive doing it like that but our life would be better because we have schools and supplies.
UPOINT\3790 at 4/23/2010 2:12 PM

cole 5-t

1. The K2 mountains are very important because they help him find a way to the small village of Korphe.
2. Mortenson discovered that the children there have no school and their teacher only comes three days a week.
3. the children of Korphe have no education so our life is probaly better than theirs when it comes to education.

UPOINT\3560 at 4/26/2010 9:02 AM


1 the mountain helps him find the small village .
2 Mortenson saw the kids did not have a school or teacher  besides one that came only three times a week .
3 the kids didn't have education so we are lucky to have an education .
UPOINT\3425 at 4/26/2010 1:20 PM

jaid bennett

1without the mountain he wouldnt have found korphe.
2they need alot more than many different places.
3it is worse than mine because they dont have a hospital or a school.
UPOINT\4483 at 5/3/2010 8:46 AM