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Unity Point School District 140
5th Grade
Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog
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Ms. Trapani's Three Cups of Tea Blog
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Please use at least three sentences to summarize what happens to Greg in this chapter.
Posted at 9:55 PM by Samantha Hunt |
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Comments (25)
Kaitlyn Loyd
1. He his kidnapped.
His wife was having a baby soon.
He was celebrated for his building schools.
UPOINT\3790 at
5/5/2010 1:49 PM
1. He his kidnapped and taken to a place where there were a bunch of smuggled goods. He dozes off and wakes up in a room with one candle and he sees a issue of Time Magazine. It was 18 years old and had a article about 44 Americans held hostage in Iran. They were released in 444 days. Greg realized he had been captured!
UPOINT\4734 at
5/5/2010 1:50 PM
1. In chapter fourteen Greg was trying to find places to build schools, and he got kidnapped from a village chief's house. He is locked in a cell and was only fed rice and tea. A man named Khan sets Greg free and throws a party, and he was free because a village council decided he should be .
UPOINT\3425 at
5/5/2010 1:54 PM
Katarena #12,5-T
Chapter 14
Please use at least three sentences to summarize what happens to Greg in this chapter.
First, Greg, finds a place that he thinks he might be able to build another school, if the people here want one, But he is wrong to come here. As it turns out Greg's host willingly give him away to a group of people how kidnap him and take him to a room were they barely give him anything to eat. There is one man how gives him a better meal and has some people entertain him with a football (soccer) game. The man tells Greg to call him Khan. Finally, Khan takes him to a celebration and they let him go.
UPOINT\3568 at
5/5/2010 1:56 PM
Greg is kidnapped,blindfolded, thrown in a cell.He finds a "Time" magazine and is invited to watch a soccer game.Then, he's blindfolded and is thrown in the back of a truck that drives to a "party" for him and is given money to build the school(s).
UPOINT\3436 at
5/5/2010 1:56 PM
1. His wife's baby is due in 1 month.
2. Greg got kidnapped by a man named Khan.
3. He was kidnapped because they were putting together a party for the school.
4. He told Khan his wife was pregnant with a boy instead of a girl because there, it was a bigger deal if someone gave birth to a boy rather then a girl.
UPOINT\3613 at
5/5/2010 1:57 PM
1. His wife is with child and is due in one month.
2. He got kidnapped by a man with the name of Khan.
3. While he was kidnapped he missed his wife, child, and home badly.
4. The baby Tara was carrying was going to be a baby girl.
5. Greg thought that maybe if he told Khan that it was a baby boy he would let him go because it was a bigger deal than a girl.
6. He found out that the man was not trying to hert Greg but to have celebration for him about the school.
UPOINT\4030 at
5/5/2010 1:57 PM
jaid bennett
1.The school was almost completed and he had to go home to be with Tara because she was gonna have a baby.
2.Men took him and he thought he was gonna be killed but he wasn't.
3.A man named Khan cared about Greg.
UPOINT\4483 at
5/5/2010 2:00 PM
Greg is kidnapped,blindfolded, thrown in a cell.He finds a "Time" magazine and is invited to watch a soccer game.Then, he's blindfolded and is thrown in the back of a truck that drives to a "party" for him and is given money to build the school(s).
UPOINT\3436 at
5/5/2010 2:00 PM
In chapter 14 Greg is looking for places to build other schools besides Korphe, and on the job he gets kidnapped by a village chief's. He got locked in a cell ( I guess like a dog crate) and they only food he got was rice,and the only drink he got was tea. Then a man named Khan comes into the ten feet by twenty room, puts a blind fold on and gets take to party and that is where Greg gets set free.
UPOINT\3457 at
5/5/2010 2:02 PM
Greg is captured in Pakistan. He is taken to a man named Haji Mirza's home. Soon, he is taken to another place. The captors take him to a soccer match.The next day he is taken to a celebration,where he is released.
UPOINT\3569 at
5/5/2010 2:03 PM
His wife is about to have a baby. He got kidnapped by a man. He misses his wife and his home. He fears he wont be there when his son arrives. He was celebrated for building schools.
UPOINT\4046 at
5/5/2010 2:04 PM
Greg got kidnapped in they heard what he did so they made him build a school for them inshhaaal
UPOINT\4517 at
5/5/2010 2:05 PM
Greg is taken to a house and "kidnaped."
Gregs wife Tara is having a baby.
Greg is thrown a party
UPOINT\4303 at
5/5/2010 2:06 PM
Greg gets kidnapped in Pakistan where he is taken to a place with a alot of smuggled goods. He finds a Time magazine thats 17 years old. Then he realizes that he had been captured. HE thought he was going to die but he didn't.
UPOINT\3542 at
5/5/2010 2:06 PM
He didn't listen do Haji Ali. He ended up in Waziristan. He got kidnapped.
UPOINT\4532 at
5/5/2010 2:07 PM
1 Tara, his wife, was going to have a baby and was due in one month so Greg had to get home.
2 Greg was then kidnapped by a man named Khan.
3 Greg was released and Khan gave him money to build more schools.
UPOINT\3560 at
5/5/2010 2:15 PM
In this chapter Greg thinks that he is being held of a prisoner but khan says that everything is going to be alright. Then when they took greg to this big celebration and calmed downed. Then khan said this is a celebration before we take you back to peshawa.
UPOINT\4742 at
5/5/2010 2:15 PM
1.Greg is kidnapped and taken to a place whith smuggled goods.2.Tara is pregnant.
4060 at
5/5/2010 2:15 PM
He gets kidnapped he finds a magazine and thinks the men are going to kill him.His wife is having baby girl and he wants to be there for her arrival.
UPOINT\3588 at
5/5/2010 2:16 PM
1.) Greg doesn't take Haji Ali's advice to find someone he trusts and he winds up being kidnapped. in the cell he has to stay in, he finds a Time Magazine and sees the adds with happy families and thinks of how she is pregnant.
UPOINT\3438 at
5/6/2010 2:11 PM
1. Instead of listening to Haji Ali's advice to find a host and drink tea with him then build a school in their village, but, Greg decided to go with with a man who said he was going to take him to his home village to see if he wanted to build a school there. He is then kidnapped, gagged, and blindfolded and taken to a smuggling place. He finds a Time magazine and a Kodak advertisement which says a smile should be more than a memory. After that he watches a soccer match and then is taken to a party for his school.
UPOINT\3572 at
5/10/2010 8:38 AM
greg goes to a village .
he is captured and then brought to a weird place.
and then is thrown a celabration.
UPOINT\4303 at
5/10/2010 8:50 AM
A guy named Khan kidnapped Greg.
Greg's wife is having a baby.
Greg is thrown a party for his building of his school.
UPOINT\3529 at
5/10/2010 8:52 AM
Katarena #12, 5-T
Chapter 14
Please use at least three sentences to summarize what happens to Greg in this chapter
First, Greg, finds a place that he thinks he might be able to build another school, if the people here want one, But he is wrong to come here. As it turns out Greg's host willingly give him away to a group of people how kidnap him and take him to a room were they barely give him anything to eat. There is one man how gives him a better meal and has some people entertain him with a football (soccer) game. The man tells Greg to call him Khan. Finally, Khan takes him to a celebration and they let him go.
UPOINT\3568 at
5/17/2010 1:48 PM