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Class Discussion
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Started: 9/30/2010 2:10 PM | |
| | What does Mrs. Korb do? Mrs. Korb's class is to provide additional assistance to those who may need a little academic help. Sometimes Mrs. Korb brings help to the regular classroom environment and sometimes the student(s) may come into Mrs. Korb's classroom for additional one-on-one assistance or small group instruction. | |
Edited: 9/30/2010 2:18 PM | |
| | How can I contact Mrs. Korb?
There are 3 ways you can get in contact with Mrs. Korb. You may call the school at 618-529-4151 ext. 112. You may have to leave a message, but Mrs. Korb will try to get back to you as soon as possible. You may also contact Mrs. Korb through email at rskorb@up140.jacksn.k12.il.us. This is the best way to get in touch with Mrs. Korb. You may also send a note or written letter with your child to communicate with Mrs. Korb. If these methods do not work for you please call the office and let the receptionist know you would like to make arrangements to meet. Mrs. Korb is willing to schedule an appointment to meet with you at any time possible. | |
Started: 9/30/2010 3:24 PM | |
| | What does Mrs. Korb do with students for spelling? If your child receives a grade from Mrs. Korb in spelling they will receive their spelling word list on Friday the week before the focus. On Monday and Tuesday's a word review and skill practice is done. On Wednesday Your child will take a pre-test. If they get a 100% on the spelling test they will not have to take the test of Friday. They earn a free actvitiy time. Students in second grade will be required to do sme dictation for the spelling tests. A grade for writing, penmanship and spelling may be taken from this dictation part of the test. Students will be told the expectations for the tests before taking the test. | |
Started: 9/30/2010 3:27 PM | |
| | How does Mrs. Korb do reading? If your child earns a reading grade from Mrs. Korb all reading assignments may be modified or an alternitive assignment may be provided according to your child's individual needs. If your child earns a grade from the classroom teacher, but receives services from Mrs. Korb They receive instruction from the classroom teacher and Mrs. Korb helps to provided accomodations or modifications. This may be alternative assignments, modified assignments or extra time to complete the assignment with additional guidence. | |
Started: 9/30/2010 3:30 PM | |
| | Why is my child reporting to Mrs. Korb for behavior? Mrs. Korb provides individualized behavior support to students who may have difficulty with classroom rules, school wide expectations or other areas. This attention is to help your child shape his behavior to fit the expectations of the school environment and to be successful in all areas of life. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. (See "How can I contact Mrs. Korb?") | |
Started: 9/2/2011 2:13 PM | |
| | How Can I Help My students With Spelling at Home? Mrs. Korb will put each student's spelling words on spellingcity.com. This site is free for parents to use. All you need is access to the internet and to register to the site. After registration you will receive an email that gives direction on how to find your child's list. You will simply login, locate our school, then find my name and then your child's list. Lists will be left on all year for student's to review. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Korb. | |