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Unity Point School District 140
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Unity Point School District 140
STIAssessment Planning
View Response #11
STIAssessment Planning
: View Response #11
In what ways will STIAssessment be beneficial to your curriculum?
It will help with tracking IEP goals. It will also be useful for matching instruction with the frameworks.
How do you personally intend to use STIAssessment in the 2008-09 school year?
Each quarter track IEP goal progress. For pre and post unit instruction to track progress.
What additional training do you feel you need to implement this into your curriculum?
After a few weeks of using it, a refresher and question and answer format would be helpful. Also, to compare what others are doing and share ideas.
Created at 8/14/2008 3:05 PM by ***
Last modified at 8/14/2008 3:05 PM by ***