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Unity Point School District 140
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Unity Point School District 140
STIAssessment Planning
View Response #12
STIAssessment Planning
: View Response #12
In what ways will STIAssessment be beneficial to your curriculum?
I'm not really sure how beneficial STIAssessment will be to my curriculum. All of my math tests require that all work be shown by the student. I also give partial credit for each problem. It seems redudant to use the constructed response portion of STIAssessment for my tests if I have to grade them the same way I always do. I might as well just use the paper tests I've already got.
How do you personally intend to use STIAssessment in the 2008-09 school year?
I could possibly use STIAssessment for short quizzes to see how students are doing. Or I could create an end of the quarter exam that is all mutliple choice. I'm not completely sure yet what I'll do or if I'll use it.
What additional training do you feel you need to implement this into your curriculum?
As long as there is someone for me to go to when I have questions, then as of right now I don't feel I need a lot of additional training.
Created at 8/14/2008 3:05 PM by ***
Last modified at 8/14/2008 3:05 PM by ***