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Unity Point School District 140
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Unity Point School District 140
STIAssessment Planning
View Response #14
STIAssessment Planning
: View Response #14
In what ways will STIAssessment be beneficial to your curriculum?
As speical education teachers we are constantly looking for ways to montior our students' porgess accurately, and montior the ways in which the child gains access to the curiculum while also meeting state standarnds. This program will give us a way to montior our students progess as it aligns with the current curriulum and the state standards.
How do you personally intend to use STIAssessment in the 2008-09 school year?
As of now, I am planning to use this for progress monitoring in reading, as well as in other areas when we get the hang of the system. Also, I feel it will be useful as a tool to assign baseline indcatiors for students.
What additional training do you feel you need to implement this into your curriculum?
I feel I would need to "play" around with the system more to really know what addtional traning would be necessary. Already, I feel it would be useful to be trained how to easily transfer assessment from other programs to this program.
Created at 8/14/2008 3:12 PM by ***
Last modified at 8/14/2008 3:12 PM by ***