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Unity Point School District 140
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Unity Point School District 140
STIAssessment Planning
View Response #5
STIAssessment Planning
: View Response #5
In what ways will STIAssessment be beneficial to your curriculum?
It will be great to quickly get back results from assessments. I can also look to see what questions students are having difficulty with.
How do you personally intend to use STIAssessment in the 2008-09 school year?
I will use it for pre-tests and some post-tests in English. I plan to implement it more as I see fit.
What additional training do you feel you need to implement this into your curriculum?
As I start to actually use it for testing I'm sure I will come up with additional questions.
Created at 8/14/2008 3:04 PM by ***
Last modified at 8/14/2008 3:04 PM by ***