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STIAssessment Planning

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1. In what ways will STIAssessment be beneficial to your curriculum?

Eliminate so much time grading and more time reviewing tests with students
Able to give me graphs for documentation
It will assist in the amount of grading that I have had to do by hand up to this point.
It will help with new online testing policies for assessment.
It seems it will be valueable tool in keeping data on student performance with academics and behavior.
It will be great to quickly get back results from assessments.  I can also look to see what questions students are having difficulty with. 
To track individual student's growth in specific areas--indicating development of English language proficiency as well as mastery of grade level material.
For now it will help me grade the multiple choice answers on my tests. This will allow me more time to grade essay questions and prepare lessons. I will be able to share my lessons with the special ed teachers at my grade level.
Will make grading multiple choice questions less time consuming and more accurate.  It will allow me to be able to spend more time grading other parts of the test.
Once the tests are constructed, it could save time.
Allow for data analysis of tests.
Longitudinal data about students should become available.
At this point, I am unsure how STI Assessment will benefit my classroom.  I can see how it coud be helpful for other subjects, but I am concerned as to how I can use it when I don't use multiple choice tests in math. 
It will help with tracking IEP goals.  It will also be useful for matching instruction with the frameworks.
I'm not really sure how beneficial STIAssessment will be to my curriculum.  All of my math tests require that all work be shown by the student.  I also give partial credit for each problem.  It seems redudant to use the constructed response portion of STIAssessment for my tests if I have to grade them the same way I always do.  I might as well just use the paper tests I've already got. 
I will be able to create numerous rubrics, behavior intervention plan assessment, unit assessments, IEP quarterly and annual objective assessments.
As speical education teachers we are constantly looking for ways to montior our students' porgess accurately, and montior the ways in  which the child gains access to the curiculum while also meeting state standarnds. This program will give us a way to montior our students progess as it aligns with the current curriulum and the state standards.
In no ways.

Total: 15

2. How do you personally intend to use STIAssessment in the 2008-09 school year?

Literature tests
Journal prompts
Because I am teaching with a new Math series this year, it will be a perfect opportunity for me to implement this type of program.
I will try to use it with different subject areas.
I hope to use it to track behavior and academic progress.
I will use it for pre-tests and some post-tests in English.  I plan to implement it more as I see fit.
Modifying classroom assessments as necessary for use by ELLs.
Grading tests.
I will work on putting some of my tests online for the students to complete.  Others I will make into scantron sections that the students can complete with paper and pencil.
I will give it a try this year.  I do like the option of having the computer grade tests and doing data analysis.
I plan to look at my current curriculum and see how I can best use the program to fit my needs.  I'm sure that I can find a way to work it in without making it more work for myself.
Each quarter track IEP goal progress.  For pre and post unit instruction to track progress.
I could possibly use STIAssessment for short quizzes to see how students are doing.  Or I could create an end of the quarter exam that is all mutliple choice.  I'm not completely sure yet what I'll do or if I'll use it.
Creation of many of the above listed items that will be useful to me immediately.
As of now, I am planning to use this for progress monitoring in reading, as well as in other areas when we get the hang of the system. Also, I feel it will be useful as a tool to assign baseline indcatiors for students.
I don't.

Total: 15

3. What additional training do you feel you need to implement this into your curriculum?

Refresher course a month into school
How to use the scantron machine
The whole grade level training together with more one-on-one time.
We should be asked to bring all needed meterials to the computer lab and create assessments to use in our classroom WHILE someone is in the room to answer our questions as they arise.
As I start to actually use it for testing I'm sure I will come up with additional questions.
Not so much a need for more training as there is for time to try it out and create assessments.
I just need time to play.
As we get into entering data, it may be benifical to have another "refresher" course on issues that may arrise.
Time to development materials and tests, but I don't want to miss class time.
Ideally, I can play with the program and work with Melissa to see how we can use it to best fit out needs and the needs of the school.
After a few weeks of using it, a refresher and question and answer format would be helpful.  Also, to compare what others are doing and share ideas.
As long as there is someone for me to go to when I have questions, then as of right now I don't feel I need a lot of additional training. 
I think that I understand it.  I just need to do it to figure out the full potential.
I feel I would need to "play" around with the system more to really know what addtional traning would be necessary. Already, I feel it would be useful to be trained how to easily transfer assessment from other programs to this program.
This was a huge amount of information. This is an example of creating the illusion of progress.

Total: 15