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Enhancing Education through Technology 2009

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EETT Grant Evaluation: View Response #12

Level of participation (check all that apply)

Level 2 

Please rate your grant experience using the Web 2.0 tools (wikis, blogs, podcasts, social networking, rss feeds) and their impact on:

  Very Negative Neutral Very Positive 
Teaching behaviors 
The curriculum 
Instructional practices 

Please rate your grant experience using the Web 2.0 equipment (iTouch, iPod, iMacs, iTunes, iLife) and their impact on:

  Very Negative Neutral Very Positive 
Teaching behaviors 
The curriculum 
Instructional practices 

Please rate your grant experience and its impact on:

  Very Negative Neutral Very Positive 
Teachers’ interactions with one another. 
Wider teacher communities. 
Teachers sharing what they are learning. 
Teachers using technology differently. 

Please rate how you feel the activities that are a result of the grant will:

  Very Negative Neutral Very Positive 
Impact students’ 21st century skills. 
Increase fluency with information technology. 
Effect classroom culture. 
Effect comprehension and retention of material. 
Effect student interest. 

What are the most promising instructional applications of technology you explored?

Wikis and blogs are a great resource I plan to use next year with some of my units of study.  I also enjoyed learning to use the Mac books and explore possibilities for their use in my classroom.

Will you use technology differently in your classroom?


Please estimate the number of hours spent outside of class exploring and/or working on grant related projects.


Please offer positive feedback for improvements.

A clear list of materials/assignments needs to be completed (like a syllabus) and a checklist given at the beginning.  Connectivity needs to be working, expecially if using it on a weekend when there is no one here for tech support. 
Created at 5/20/2009 1:19 PM  by *** 
Last modified at 5/20/2009 1:19 PM  by ***