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Enhancing Education through Technology 2009

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EETT Grant Evaluation

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Please reflect upon your experiences during your participation in the 2009 Enhancing Education through Technology grant and provide feedback.

1. Level of participation (check all that apply)

 Level 1
 10 (27%) 
 Level 2
 22 (59%) 
 Mentor; Instructor
 Level 2; Mentor

Total: 37

2. Please rate your grant experience using the Web 2.0 tools (wikis, blogs, podcasts, social networking, rss feeds) and their impact on:

Very Negative
Very Positive
Teaching behaviors
The curriculum
Instructional practices

Total: 37

3. Please rate your grant experience using the Web 2.0 equipment (iTouch, iPod, iMacs, iTunes, iLife) and their impact on:

Very Negative
Very Positive
Teaching behaviors
The curriculum
Instructional practices

Total: 37

4. Please rate your grant experience and its impact on:

Very Negative
Very Positive
Teachers’ interactions with one another.
Wider teacher communities.
Teachers sharing what they are learning.
Teachers using technology differently.

Total: 37

5. Please rate how you feel the activities that are a result of the grant will:

Very Negative
Very Positive
Impact students’ 21st century skills.
Increase fluency with information technology.
Effect classroom culture.
Effect comprehension and retention of material.
Effect student interest.

Total: 37

6. What are the most promising instructional applications of technology you explored?

 Students being able to use garage band and imovie to create projects where they can apply what they have learned.
 The idea that we as a community of teachers/learners can cooperatively create and utilize the various tools/equipment that we have been so fortunate to receive. My grade level, and others around me, are working together like never before. We are doing more co-planning to make sure we are doing everything we can to help our students be productive members of the 21st century.
 Learning new ways to use technology in my classroom. Using the iBooks to create videos and the iPods to create podcast is of most interest to me.
 wikis and blogs....i am excited to be able to use these in my curriculum
 The collaboration, access to current equipment, and curriculum information.
 I have explored the benefits of podcasts for my students within the classroom by using the Itouch. It will help initiate new ideas and ways of learning for the future.
 wikis video use
 iTunes; Podcasts
 The Web 2.0 tools and equipment are so flexible! They can be used repeatedly, but in different ways with different subjects/topics. I look forward to using the tools and equipment in as many different ways as I can!
 The use of wikis to organize and access material online.
 I really appreciated the wiki. I believe that it would be most utilized in my classroom.
 Wikis and blogs are a great resource I plan to use next year with some of my units of study. I also enjoyed learning to use the Mac books and explore possibilities for their use in my classroom.
 access to so many audio books
 The students will be able to complete more of the projects on their own.
 one on one computing...
 imovie and podcasting
 I had a lot of fun creating a wiki (although I found it time consuming). Ipod use will also be fun in the classroom.
 I can use the ipod in my classroom, but that is about all I can use. Wish I could have more opportunity to learn some other things and ideas I could use!
 The amount of resources readily available through the Macs.
 Ways to flatten my classroom and create authentic experiences for my students through dealing with real problems and interacting with students around the world
 Learning ways to engage ALL students, regardless of their ability.
 The Wiki's and podcasting are two things that will be instrumental in my teaching.
 A wide variety of ways to integrate technology with instruction in the classroom for ALL students.
 Learned how to use a wiki and am currently participating on one at this time. Learned how to use GarageBand for recording student performances. Learning how to use the ITouch and have downloaded several application that I will be able to use with students.
 I believe that communication with the students via wiki's and blogs is very promising for instructional application.
 Technology offers a broad base of resources for student projects.
 I think the students will become more engaged in their lessons and comprehend more. Learn will be at a higher level and force students to be responsible for their work.
 Giving students real world activities.
 Using the podcasts to share information/classroom projects with parents. I have not yet accomlished this, however it is something that i wish to do in the future because I feel it will be very beneficial to parents.
 Learning how to use the vast amount of technology available in our building.
 Learning to use the ipod
 The use of wikis and blogs.
 MOBILITY for music (Ipod); FEEDBACK as in making a podcast of recorder performances; performance ENHANCING as in using "garage band" to speak (dramatics), add music, web sites, and embedded websites.
 Learning how to incorporate all different types of technology into lessons, and how technology can truly be enhance any lesson or instructional activity.
 The opportunity to bring a real time experience to a shared literature experience.
 Learning how to use the equipment for instructional purposes.

Total: 37

7. Will you use technology differently in your classroom?

 36 (97%) 

Total: 37

8. Please estimate the number of hours spent outside of class exploring and/or working on grant related projects.


Total: 37

9. Please offer positive feedback for improvements.

 I feel the level 2 lessons went really well. If taught again one major change we discussed that would be helpful is giving them the checklist at the beginning and use it to go over a couple lessons, instead of giving the checklist in week 7.
 Different levels of instruction. We had such a large range of abilities, therefore I just had a review of everything I already knew.
 Make the showcase longer and allow more time for teacher feedback.
 Please continue to offer classes with hands-on experience so that I can better utilize the equipment. Thanks!
 I enjoyed the smaller group (5 teachers; 2 instructors) because we were able to share information and help each other.
 I enjoyed the grant opportunity for many reasons - the chance to work with my team of teachers, the opportunity to learn about technology for myself and for the benefit of my students, and the sharing of ideas with all grant participants.
 It is always difficult to stay focused and work hard after a long day of teaching, especially on Monday's. I know the choices were Monday and Saturday but I think that Wednesday night might be a good option in the future. However, extra work is always challenging.
 A clear list of materials/assignments needs to be completed (like a syllabus) and a checklist given at the beginning. Connectivity needs to be working, expecially if using it on a weekend when there is no one here for tech support.
 People are very different levels of working with technology. It is difficult to make some things challenging for more experienced learners without losing the less technologically savy learners.
 Talking with other teachers was very helpful. I wish on the last class I could have enjoyed watching the presentations. I felt I was always typing.
 I enjoyed the lessons taught throughout the weeks but found it was just as easy to read the module and work quietly the entire time the teachers were talking and telling us what the module was about and what we needed to do. Not sure if this offers any room for improvement.
 The class was very beneficial to me personally. It was amazing to see all the resources available to us, and I also enjoyed hearing everyone's ideas. I would've like to have had a clear "big picture" of the project. It would have been helpful to know exactly what was expected of us at the end of the course. Overall, great job!
 Try not to be tied into a curriculum only because it is a "Name Brand". Trust in the experiences of the faculty.
 Have smaller classes--not enough time for troubleshooting. My computer didn't work one time and the class was wasted for me. Wireless access would be nice.
 It would be helpful to have more assistance when the classes are especially large.
 I think many of us learned a lot about how to include technology in our classrooms. We need to continue to share our ideas with others, and help each other along.
 I loved the format of this class. I created a unit that I intend to use in the future. I like that we were able to collaborate with others on a joint project. I do think that we could have had more input and instruction on the use of the ITouch and how to implement applications in the classroom.
 A slower pace during classes for those who do not have a strong technology background.
 Smooth flowing lesson plans in the order in which they should be done.
 Adding all the technology training to the Intel class gave the students less time to work. We may want to seperate that in the future or write in an extra class to cover it.
 I thought it went very well. I enjoyed everyone taking the time to let us practice each new entity.
 I like how Tom worked with the class and helped us more one on one and not as a whole group with everyone at different levels. Maybe you could do this more often. Thank you for this time. Believe me every little bit helps with me!!
 Grouping participants based on entry level skills because the was a wide variety in the knowledge base of teachers.
 Please have all prerequisites (itunes connections, etc.) before a class is given using the equipment. Valuable instruction time was used to get things up and running. Continue to bring in the best speakers/demonstrators to show us what is possible. The Mac people were great.
 Scheduling things a little more in advance could improve the participation experience for some. The flexibility of leaders was very accommodating.

Total: 26