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Math Tutorials
7/21/2017 8:58 AM
We will start the year with place value, addition and subtraction. Click on the link below and enter the quick code to see tutorials and lessons.
Quick Codes
- DR5AUGC Understand the value of a digit in a multi-digit number
- A2XE7BT Compare the value of the digits in a multi-digit whole number
- MQ76SV9 Determining accuracy in rounding to the nearest ten or hundred
- 6R9WSUJ Round to the nearest ten using a number line
- SHQYAUC Round to the nearest hundred using a number line
- 6HP6AW9 Choose the most efficient strategy to solve a word problem
- CQ6VY29 Use place value strategies to add and subtract
- RV5CS53 Solve addition problems using the partial sums method
- K96DB84 Understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction to add and subtract within 1,000
- J6FP7YE Use addition to solve a subtraction problem
- WX6UA6V Decomposing to add on a number line
- H9VE9UA Comparing strategies of addition and subtraction to look for efficiency
- D4KA7BB Use decomposition and regrouping to add
- QZ5GW54 Solve addition problems with numbers up to 1,000: regrouping
- RT9F9T5 Solve two-step word problems using a model
- VMCBD6P Solve subtraction problems: using regrouping
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